Just open Desired Company in Tally & Click on "Process Tally Data" in Eazy Final and P & L, Balance Sheet, Capital Account, Fixed Asset Schedule and List of Groups will be ready for you. |
Get Final Accounts and Fixed Assets Schedule Printed in just few seconds. Don't type a single figure or single account head or even closing stock or even COMPANY NAME. It will do all automatically. |
Don't waste time to type Final Accounts & Fixed Assets schedule in MS Excel or MS Word. |
100% Tallied, error free Final Accounts as entered in Tally*. No balancing mistakes of Closing Stock, Capital Account, Depreciation, Fixed Assts etc. |
Prints Trading and P & L A/c, Balance Sheet in "T" Shape with grouping option. |
Prints Capital Accounts in "T" shape separately |
Prints up to 20 Partners Capital Accounts |
Prints Trading & Profit & Loss Account with / without Gross Profit. |
Prints Receipt & Payment Account. |
Automatically Partner wise bifurcation of Remuneration/Interest on Capital / Share Profit in P & L. |
Prints Fixed Assets Schedule with Addition/Deletion to Asset Column |
Prints List of Sundry Creditors, Sundry Debtors etc. with customized titles such as "Schedule A", "Schedule B" etc. |
Prints Detailed/Summarized Balance Sheet |
You can save data with "Tentatative","Projected","Final" tag to get printouts in future without opening Tally*. |
You can also Alter & Save Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Capital Account, and Fixed Asset Schedule for those clients who don't have company in Tally*. |
Set foot notes for P&L, B/s, and Capital Accounts & Fixed Assets Schedule. |
Warnings for Drawings, Negative Cash Balance. Unclear Suspense Account, Profit & Loss a/c |
Now No need to EXPORT TRIAL BALANCE / LEDGER A/cs from TALLY*. And many more… |